How to Adjust to Working Remotely in Pandemic Time Chetna Jain August 8, 2020 Inspiration 1727 The global pandemic has changed things for all of us. Our routines and lifestyles have been disrupted. This is true not least in the area of business, where many people are now having to work from home. There are largely two types of people during the pandemic: the introverts and the extroverts. The introverts are happy working from home, while the extroverts are climbing up the walls, looking longingly out of the windows. Many parents are struggling to homeschool their kids, whilst keeping the house clean and trying to work as well. This can present massive challenges for everyone, and put a strain on relationships. This article is designed to help home workers adjust to their new situation. Know that there are Options In some cases, office workers are now simply logging on to their computers from home. Much of their work is stored online (in the cloud), so there are fewer chances for them to adjust to. For others, there is an urgent need to find a new job so that the bills can be paid. Fortunately, the internet provides masses of inspiration and guidance on the subject of remote working jobs. The folk at the Work-at-Home School say it is possible to generate a real income from virtually anywhere. They do warn against scams, however, as many adverts promise more than they can deliver. The professionals say that the podcast production market is absolutely massive at the moment, with over one million podcasts being produced. There are a number of other remote jobs to consider too, such as blogging, remote bookkeeping, self-publishing, freelance writing, proofreading, copywriting, and creating online training. Stay in Communication At work, it’s easy to chat with colleagues during breaks and lunchtime. When working from home, it can be a lot more lonely. Fortunately, technology offers some solutions to this. Business colleagues will still need to communicate with you by email or telephone. Slack is a great business platform too. The most personable way to communicate with co-workers is through Zoom, Facetime, Skype, or Microsoft. This is because you can see peoples’ faces when talking to them. Before the pandemic, people often used a lot of energy to get to and from work. Anyone now working from home will need to use up their surplus energy in their free time. It’s also important for peoples’ mental health that they socialize and communicate with friends and family in any way they can. Have a Designated Workspace The ideal scenario is when someone has a spare room. They can use it for work only, and shut the door when they have finished. In reality, many people are having to work from their gardens or adapt to their bedrooms. If at all possible, try and avoid working and sleeping in the same room as it might be difficult to switch off. It’s important to be creative in finding somewhere. Some businesses began with people working from their cars. Fortunately, modern technology, like phones, tablets, or laptops is relatively mobile. Boundaries are really important when it comes to workspaces. Children and partners need to know when they can and can’t walk in. Anyone who will be sitting at a desk for long amounts of time should check the area from a workspace assessment angle. Low desks and unsuitable chairs can result in neck and back problems. Be Disciplined Try to keep a regular daily routine, including bedtimes and getting-up times. Some people find it helpful to wear work clothes that they change when their time has finished. Choose the start and finishing times for work, and stick to them. Statistics have shown that people who work remotely are 13% more productive, partly because there are fewer distractions. This means it’s more important than ever for people to have regular breaks. Every thirty minutes people who are sitting down should stand and do some stretch exercises. Screen work can be a strain on the eyes, and looking at distant objects can relax our eye muscles. For lunch breaks, it would be wise meeting a friend or family member for a chat. Going outside is a great idea, too. Dogs will enjoy lunchtime walks, and they can be good for the owner too! Even if it is only a thirty-minute break, a person’s brain needs the chance to rest and recharge, People who go out to work often buy lunch from local shops. Homeworkers have the opportunity to save money and make food that is generally more healthy. Any snacks should ideally be eaten away from the workstation because people who work while they eat don’t consciously monitor how much they are consuming. Try having healthy snacks only. If there is less junk food in the kitchen, it will be easier to eat more healthily. Think about the Benefits If working from home presents a real challenge, it is even more important to consider the plusses. People often feel more relaxed as they work if they’re not wearing office clothes. There is no travel time lost, battling through the morning and evening traffic. The minute someone leaves the room, they are home. There will be fewer fuel bills, and reduced wear and tear for the car. Anyone longing to be back in the office needs to think about that annoying colleague with the loud voice, that man who never stops talking or the lady who insists on keeping the windows shut during hot weather! Some workers like background music and others don’t. Anyone working from home can play what they want, at any volume they want. Workplaces rarely have a relaxed, homely feel but working from home can be much better. Many office workers stay at their desks during lunchtime when it would be better to take a walk. Studies have also shown that office desks can be high in germs. In contrast, remote workers have the luxury of simply taking a short journey to the kitchen. There are many home-working opportunities available. Every working pattern has its strengths and weaknesses. Remote workers need to be disciplined in what they do, maintaining exercise and communication for the sake of their physical and mental health. People everywhere are creating their own workspaces, and when the pandemic is over, not all employees will be returning to offices and buildings. SHARE THIS POST