The job-hunting process is hard on the skin. You might have more time to sleep because you’re unemployed, but the stress of looking for a job could manifest on your skin in the form of pimple breakout. You might also have restless sleep. When you don’t have a stable job, you might also be more inclined to eat unhealthily because fast food is the cheap option.

Before you fall down the rabbit hole of job-hunting sadness, let these styling tips land you a job faster:

Stick to Safe Outfits

Stick to Safe Outfits

You may want to dress boldly to stand out for a company, but if you haven’t mastered the art of wearing prints and bold colors together, it might look like you’re trying too hard. This does not show the professional image you want interviewers to see; rather, it might show a person who is not yet mature enough to choose a blazer over a hoodie, or a pair of black shows over statement lime green platforms. Make sure your outfit says you are a serious applicant, not a starving artist or an immature child trying to pass as an adult.

Wear Makeup that Complements without Distracting from Your Features

Stick to Safe Outfits

They say red lipstick can lend you that much-needed confidence, which you’d want to have in your interview, but if it’s not the right shade, it might be too distracting. Your interviewer could end up remembering only that you wore a hideous shade of lipstick rather than your actual name or skills. A nude lip works best for “serious” jobs, but if you want to show a little bit of your personality, go ahead and choose something else. Just make sure you keep your brown, blood-red, or purple lip toned down by a more natural eyeshadow palette. You’re going to an interview, not a party. And if you wear all these colors, make sure the face primer you buy from an online store is good enough to help your makeup last the whole day. The last thing you want is all those bold colors looking uneven halfway through your interview.

Choose the Right Shoes

Choose the Right Shoes

Your shoes can be the tallest pair of heels you own, but they won’t land you the job if you can barely walk to the interview venue. Your shoes should be able to support your feet throughout the day, even if you have to walk around in them. Though most tips say you should wear a pair of heels to your interview, if you can only manage two inches of heels, that’s fine. After all, no one is hired solely based on their heel choice.

Prepare Several Copies of Your Resume

You may be going to one company for a scheduled interview, but if it’s located in a business district, there might be other companies nearby that take walk-in applicants. If you finish your interview early and don’t feel confident that you’ll be hired, drop by another company and leave your resume with them. This way, even if that particular day does not yield the best result, you’ll still have more options lined up.

Try your best to keep a positive disposition when going to job interviews. They may not feel like a lot of doors opening, but for sure, the right one is waiting, so keep your head held high.