What is a DOT Compliance Team? U.S. trucking industry support must be available to call at any time of the year for testing. Dhanashree Kankanwade May 26, 2023 YMK 174 How are pilots selected for the exam? This is a random selection from the pool of all active drivers. A minimum of 50% of drivers are drug tested and 10% are tested for alcohol each year NTA. Since this is a random check program, this means you can be summoned for the test as many times as you can during the course of a year, or not summoned at all throughout the year. However, no one wants to be caught off guard, so it is important to be prepared. FMCSA oversees the drug and alcohol testing program, and most of the processes are free. However, you won’t want to be swayed by “free” as the process can be stressful and frustrating, especially if your file keeps getting rejected due to unnoticeable errors. Now, just like how H&R Block helps you with your tax returns, there is also a company that helps with DOT compliance issues. This company is called the DOT Compliance Team! The DOT Compliance Team has helped many trucking companies in the United States and to date has helped more than 230,000 owners, operators, and small fleet owners. Their service is not only efficient but also highly sought after mainly because our prices are extremely affordable. The services provided by the DOT Compliance Team are 100% legal, fully compliant with federal law, and completely hassle-free. Here are the essentials you get with the DOT Compliance Team : DOT Certified Test with Quest Diagnostic Laboratory Certified Medical Testing Service Official Comprehensive and reliable drug and alcohol book for your organization Email/SMS notifications /mail/fax for all your randomly selected drivers and their respective test results. them The ability to automatically add new drivers to the test group when a negative pre-employment drug test result is received In addition, the DOT Compliance Team empowers the trucking industry and stakeholders are aware of the consequences of their association with a third-party corporation. Test positive for drugs or alcohol? What is the next step? In the event a driver tests positive for drugs or alcohol, they must be removed from a safety-critical location immediately. It is important to remember that a blood alcohol level of 0.04 will be considered positive (ie.D. high alcohol/drug concentration in the body) for the driver. Furthermore, even if the results are less than this, the employer will have to remove the driver from his safety-critical position for at least 24 hours before he can return to work. job. In cases where a medical evaluator has reviewed a driver’s BAC test, at the request of the DOT, the driver should be referred to a substance abuse specialist. Remember that his employment will depend on your (employer’s) specific drug/alcohol policy implemented in your organization. The Addiction Specialist (SAP) will list a number of requirements that a safety-conscious professional must meet. Until these requirements are met, he may not be able to return to his regular responsibilities as a driver in your company. Employees will also be subject to additional alcohol and drug screening procedures as determined by SAP. This is a so-called “follow-up” testing process that can continue for up to 5 years or at the discretion of SAP. Supporting transport businesses with 6 testing scenarios provided by the Ministry of Transport Pre-employment testing when there is no negative drug test result in the file Random testing when employees randomly selected for testing Post-accident testing in case of death and transfer order violation Reasonable suspicion Return-to-work testing is required if prior testing results positive • Follow-up testing is an additional randomization process after employees return to work/ post Understanding the role of the Medical Review Officer (MRO) According to the Ministry of Transport Transportation, only an accredited laboratory is authorized to evaluate drug test samples obtained. All test results, whether negative or presumptive positive, will be sent to a medical examiner designated by DOT. It is the responsibility of the officer to determine whether a substance found in an employee’s system is a physician’s prescription or substance abuse. Finally, the reviewing physician will have access to resources that will help him conclude whether the employee should be removed from his safety-critical position. The DOT Compliance Team educates customers and potential customers about their DOT compliance status. For a trucking company to run smoothly, it must always fully comply with the testing program. The Dot compliance team is here to help you eliminate any DOT compliance issues. SHARE THIS POST