Top Fashion And Style Tips For Women Akshita Singhvi October 16, 2021 Fashion 1191 Fashion has always been a big thing, especially for women. While handling everything that is on their plate — and still looking stylish and fashionable — is something that women have been doing for quite a time now. However, not everyone is born with a Fashion sense, it’s a skill that can be taught and improved. If you have been having problems focusing on your dressing style while maintaining other things, then this might be the guide for you. We will be giving you some tips that will help you dress as stylish as possible while keeping you comfortable. Determine how you want to look The first thing that people observe is the clothes that you are wearing, and you can tell a lot about a person’s personality by what they are wearing. For example, if they are wearing something top-notch like IKRUSH jackets for womens, chances are they are someone who likes to present themselves as posh. On the other hand, baggy and casual clothes may give off more friendly and chill vibes. The first step is to determine what kind of image you want people to have of you. The way and type of clothes you wear will represent you, so you need to think carefully. Think of some adjectives that may define you. Some negative adjectives are okay as well; no one is going to judge you. That said, think about the clothing that can express these adjectives precisely, and you will have the kind of style you want to show off to the world. Being as authentic as possible Clothing and its authenticity go hand in hand. As mentioned above, clothing should represent who you are. Many people try to force clothing on themselves just to blend in with the crowd. Girls try to wear long stilettos which are not comfortable to many and end up wedging their feet when they could’ve gone for flats and saved themselves from all the pain. Whenever you are trying something new, try to ask yourself these 3 questions. If the answers are positive, then you can go ahead with them. Firstly, does the clothing feel comfortable, or does it need to be adjusted every few minutes? Do you see yourself when you look in the mirror? If you see someone else, chances are you are trying to force clothes on yourself, trying to be someone you are not. Are you really excited to wear it? If even one of the questions results in a negative answer, try to look for other options. Choosing comfort over fashion Comfort is something that is often neglected when it comes to fashion. However, this should not be the case, and comfort should be prioritized over anything else. Clothes were literally made so people could be comfortable walking around. Don’t negotiate on comfort whatsoever and always choose something that is easy to wear over something that looks good but constantly needs to be adjusted. When you are wearing clothes that are restricting you in some way, you will not present your best self. Drop the teaching that beauty is pain. Women already do so much in a day, and if clothes get in your way, you will feel even more exhausted. So, find something that looks good but also doesn’t hurt or is too tight. Get inspired If you want to develop your fashion skills, then try to observe the work of people who have already mastered it. Once you know what kind of style you want to go for, find a designer online whose work is something that works for you. You then need to draw inspiration from them and adapt things that they do right. Some designers also explain why they made a certain change, and you can learn from them and apply those things next time you go shopping. They don’t have to be a designer, any celebrity, politician, or even a TV character will do the job. If you have someone in a circle who constantly dresses well, then you might ask them for advice directly. Don’t hesitate to try out things that these “well-established” humans are doing. They are the same as you; they have the same body as you. Get out of your comfort zone and put your focus on things that appeal to you. Make style guides Visual style guides define how a brand will look so that different brand elements remain consistent. Although companies and individuals hire professionals to create a style guide for them, you can create one for yourself by yourself. Here’s what you can do: Visit Pinterest and compile ideas on outfits that you may want to try out. Whenever you need to get inspiration, try creating a mood board. Search for clothes that represent your aesthetics. Pinterest’s algorithm will then start showing clothes according to your preference. Keep checking your mood board and filter out images that are no longer appealing. After creating a mood board, take a good look at what you’ve gathered. You will get a much clearer picture of what kind of clothes you are into. Other than Pinterest, you can also try to get inspiration from famous fashion magazines and collect photos that way. Filtering your wardrobe Not everyone has the time and money to get a new wardrobe. What you can do instead is, try to filter out your existing one. You need to be more methodical in what you are wearing and stop wearing clothes that you have worn for many years. You need to review your wardrobe and check each piece to see if it fits your style. Let go of anything that doesn’t align with your style. It can be very difficult, so just commit to it and don’t look back. Conclusion Don’t get overwhelmed by clothes — it is okay to make a mistake sometimes. Just open yourself to new areas, and step out of your comfort zone. You will start developing a sense for fashion when you follow these tips; just stay patient, and keep giving your best. SHARE THIS POST