Tips And Tricks To Help You Save Money On Online Shopping Dhanashree Kankanwade June 28, 2021 Money 1755 Whether we like to admit it or not, there’s something addictive about online shopping. Shopping, in general, gives us a sense of satisfaction that’s hard to give up. Just imagine how much easier it would be to have access to any kind of store at any second of the day! Nowadays, we’re all walking around with grocery stores, clothing outlets, restaurants, and even home centers in our pockets. This ease of access often means spending more than you should online, but we’re here to tell you that doesn’t have to be the case. The next time you go shopping online, the following tips and tricks will help you save a lot of money. Here’s what you’ll need to do. Cap Your Expenses Let’s face it: online shopping needs a lot of discipline. If you go about online shopping without any self-restraint, you might very well end up filling your cart with more items than you need. Not only will you find what you’re looking for, but you’ll also end up checking out the recommended items and the extra items you can get at a discounted price only if you pay for a couple more ones. To avoid falling victim to cross-selling, upselling, and all the other tricks e-commerce stores use, the best self-restraint policy you can apply is to cap your expenses. Better yet, only go shopping with a plan; draft the essential items you need, determine the extra cash you’re willing to pay, and don’t spend an extra penny. Choose the Right Day for Shopping Once you have your shopping list ready, as well as the amount you’re supposed to pay for these items, it’s time to get smarter about online shopping. Here’s a starting tip; did you know that the day you choose to purchase your items can significantly affect the total bill? Generally speaking, your odds of getting the same items at a discounted price will be much better if you go shopping on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays as opposed to Sundays. However, you’ll want to stick with Sundays if you want cheaper airline tickets. The days might change depending on your location, but it’s certainly worth looking into, wouldn’t you say? Use Coupons Strategically One of the most direct ways to save money while shopping online is to use discounts and coupons. While most people only use a coupon if it comes their way, going the extra mile to look for coupons will totally be worth your while. Online brands give out a lot of coupons to increase customer loyalty, so you’ll be sure to land a few coupons if you look in the right place. Better yet, as Darren Phillips from suggests, you’ll do better by using your coupons strategically. If you can use multiple coupons at the checkout, apply the bigger discount first and then the smaller one. Many stores also send out single-use coupons for first-timers, so you might be able to use the same coupon more than once by using a different email. Bypass Dynamic Pricing E-commerce stores are constantly upgrading their algorithms to achieve the most profit, and dynamic pricing is one of the most trending strategies among online merchants. To put it simply, dynamic pricing is a strategy that adjusts product prices in response to real-time supply and demand data. Now, that’s all good and dandy until online merchants use the strategy to alter the prices depending on the data they collect from you; your browning history, spending patterns, location, and interests. To bypass this sneaky strategy, you can clear your cookies before shopping next time, log out of your accounts, and use an incognito browser. Collect Your Reward Points Chances are, you’re using a lot of apps that offer reward points as part of their loyalty program. Every time you use their service, you stack up on points that you can later use for something else. Although it’s rare to find points that can be exchanged for cash, you’ll likely be able to use the points to purchase products or use services offered by the main company or its affiliates. Compare Products It goes without saying, but e-commerce stores give you access to practically every online outlet there is. While this can make your options feel overwhelming, it also means that you can have more deals. The next time you’re about to open the app or store you’re most comfortable with, take the time to check out different online stores. Not only could you find flash deals that save you a lot of money, but you may also find the same product for a cheaper price. Take Advantage of Your Credit Card Offers There’s a longstanding argument against using credit cards in general, much less using them for something some people would consider a luxury, like online shopping. However, the final verdict completely depends on you; if you’re a responsible user, there’s no reason to avoid using it. In fact, your credit card can open a world of discounts, offers, reward points, and even cashback rewards for using it to purchase products online. Once you activate your credit card, make sure to check the list of affiliates and partners so you never miss out on any deals! Park Your Cart We’ve all been there; going through products and adding items to our carts like there’s no tomorrow. The biggest problem with that is, most of the time, it’s only driven by impulse buying and we regret it right away. That’s why you should consider parking your virtual cart for a couple of days next time before you commit to the purchase. On the plus side, your abandoned cart will get on the retailers’ nerves so much that they’ll probably send you coupons and better offers! Online shopping is not a new trend by any means, but its popularity has certainly skyrocketed when we were all confined within the walls of our own homes. Although we’re starting to regain our old lives once again, most people have gotten so used to online shopping that they’ll probably stick to it from now on. This opens a world of possibilities, and now you have enough tricks up your sleeve to use this opportunity to save more money! SHARE THIS POST