Things You Can Do To Protect Your Health As You Grow Older Dr. Kamini Jain January 25, 2023 Health & Beauty 194 It’s not unusual for you to experience new health issues as you grow older. You might struggle with mobility and lose some of the strength you had when you were younger. Throughout the day, you might quickly become exhausted and, at the same time, find it rather difficult to get a good rest throughout the night. The changes that come with ageing might make your day-to-day activities difficult. However, if you take the necessary steps and try to make your lifestyle healthier, you might be able to minimise the impact these changes can have. Here are the things you can do to protect your health as you grow older. Attend Regular Health Checks At an older age, your health condition can change quickly. Therefore, you should see the doctor regularly and attend any scheduled health checks. By checking your overall well-being on a regular basis, the doctor will be able to spot any problems early. Suppose they need to draw your blood or take other samples. In that case, the laboratory services from providers such as Source BioScience can help them to make your waiting time shorter and make any conclusions more accurate and easier to understand. Then, they might be able to come up with a treatment plan or advise you on how to slow down its progress or overcome it completely. You can also get lab tests or an executive blood panel at home with a concierge medical service. They bring your appointment directly to you, saving you the time and hassle of going to an in-person clinic. Depending on the results of the checkup, they might prescribe you new medication or recommend some changes to your lifestyle. Include Exercise In Your Day Staying active can become increasingly difficult as you grow older. You might notice that you’re not as flexible anymore and walking longer distances could become a problem. However, to improve the quality of your life in retirement, you should try to include exercise in your day if possible. Before you do anything, remember to warm up properly. Do some stretches and allow your muscles to get used to the movement before your start doing anything more demanding. But one of the most important things that you need to keep in mind when exercising is the correct technique. If you don’t do it right, then you might be putting yourself in danger of getting injured. And to make your recovery faster and more pleasant, remember to cool down and stretch even when you’re done with the activity. Eat Healthier Foods Something that will be essential in protecting your health as you age. A diet that is high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can help to reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Some of the diseases that it can fight against include heart disease and diabetes. If possible, try to create a routine that allows you to prep your meals. This could involve you engaging in bulk cooking, and could help you prepare your meals for the entire week. You can, of course, still enjoy some of your favourite foods, you shouldn’t give them up completely. In a lot of cases, it will come down to moderation and balance. Manage Your Stress Levels It will be important to manage your stress levels. This will help you to live a healthier and happier life, as chronic stress can take a toll on your mental and physical health. As such, it will be important to find ways to manage it. This can be done in a few different ways, depending on personal preference. For example, you could engage in mediation and yoga techniques. In some cases, therapy could also help. You should try and find whatever works for you. It is likely that what works for you, could be something unique to you. In many cases, it could all be about keeping your mind active. You can keep your mind active by reading, doing puzzles, or learning new skills. As you age, this could be key to reducing your risk of cognitive decline. Quit Unhealthy Habits Throughout your life, you might have picked up some bad habits that make your health only worse as you age. To make the most of your retirement years and regain control over your quality of life, you should try to break bad habits and find healthier options. If you find out that you need help leaving some of the habits like smoking or drinking alcohol behind, don’t hesitate to contact a professional who might help you. You should also focus on filling your diet with fresh and healthy ingredients instead of eating heavy, fried meals. Once you start reaching healthier choices, you might notice a positive change in your overall well-being and enjoy your later years to the maximum. One unhealthy habit that you may be engaging in, could come in the form of smoking. This is a habit that will be in your best interests to quit. There will be several ways for you to quit, smoking is a major risk factor for many chronic diseases, which includes heart disease, lung cancer, and stroke. Conclusion To conclude, there will be a range of different things that you can do to help protect your health as you get older. One of the key things that you need to do is conduct regular health checks. This can help give you a foundation regarding what you need to do to protect your health. It will be essential to include exercise into your daily routine in some way. This could vary from getting up to walk around the house to make tea to engaging in a workout outside the home. You will also need to think about the food that you eat. Unhealthy food consumed over a long period of time can lead to health problems. Eat in moderation, and work with a dietician if needed. Ensure you are quitting any unhealthy habits that you’ve gotten involved with, and make sure you manage your stress levels effectively. Remember, this article is mainly a guide, and may not be completely relevant to your situation. Consult a doctor or a health professional for more personalised and tailored advice. SHARE THIS POST