Finding the right dress for any event can be a stressful and time-consuming task, to say the least. Nonetheless, selecting a dress that mirrors the occasion and reflects your style can be quite fulfilling and full of fun. When attending an event, what you wear is a perfect reflection of your professionalism. Therefore, having the right wardrobe is in itself a branding and image-building strategy. The last thing you want to do is feel like the worst-dressed in an event with your peers. Events are not all the same. Some invitations come with a theme or a dressing code while others can leave one clueless. Below are some essential factors you should consider when choosing your next outfit for an event.

Personal Style

The key to finding your perfect dress is choosing one that makes you feel the best version of yourself. It’s paramount to add your style to anything you intend to wear. This helps in reflecting your authenticity and makes you feel comfortable and confident in whatever you wear. Avoid wearing anything that will make you nervous, be it a dress or a pair of shoes, since it will show on your face and others can pick on this. When you are strictly required to adhere to a particular dress code, you can still find different ways to put your twist on any look. 

Type Of Event

Knowing what to wear can also be influenced by the type of event you are attending. Different events come with a unique dressing code and some with no specifications at all. Pay attention to the dress code and organize around it as this is what is expected of you. Whatever the circumstance, it’s your sole responsibility to gauge the type of event by either doing some on-ground research or even asking your colleagues or friends for more information. For instance, if you are going to an event that you are not sure of the dress code, always opt for a risque-free attire combo such as a basic tee paired with blue jeans and complete this impeccable look with a light Canada Goose jacket.

Check With Mother Nature

There is nothing worse than gracing an event and the weather begins to act up. When picking any occasion outfit, the weather and time of the event is an essential factor to consider. This will impact the type of dress you choose to wear. For example, if the occasion is on a chillier season, you must avoid dressing in scanty outfits that can easily be ruined in the weather. Likewise, if the event is on a sunny day, it’s crucial to avoid wearing heavy garments that will only make you feel too warm and confused about your fashion sense.

Fitting Is Essential

Before leaving your house, ensure that the dress you intend to wear for the occasion complements your body shape. The outfit must be of the correct fit and size. In case you don’t have an outfit for a particular event, it’s time to hit the stores and bag yourself a lavish attire. Take your time while at the boutique’s dressing room and try fitting as many dresses as possible before making the final purchase. Always be careful with the choice of color and how it complements your skin tone and the theme of the event. 

Distance To The Event

It’s important to have a clue of how far you will have to travel to get to the event. Will you be using a car, will you walk, are the grounds friendly to the type of shoes you intend to adorn are some of the questions you should ask yourself. If it’s an evening party and you don’t have a long distance to cover while walking, you can opt for a pair of heels. However, if the walking distance is long, a pair of flat shoes should be your best choice.

Be In Season

When it comes to dressing for an event, it will do good to bear an open mind and let your spirit free. In case you are in the market of the outfit of the say, make sure to shop in the season. Fashion trends are ever so dynamic from colors, prints and styles hence it’s advisable not to always go for the first item you land your eyes on. There are plenty of options in the market hence make sure to settle for the best. Accept suggestions from shop assistants and friends because you may know your style but you cannot judge a dress fitting just by the reflection in the mirror.

Do An Outfit Trial

Events can be quite a handful at times, therefore, it’s paramount to make sure your outfit is as comfortable and fabulous as possible. Weddings, graduations, parties are most of the time, full-day events, so you want to pick an outfit you feel good wearing. Consider the rigorous activities you’ll partake such as dancing that may cause you to sweat and ruin your outfit. Always carry back-up essentials in such a case to avoid embarrassing moments. Before the event, it’s recommended to have a trial-on of the outfit just to make sure of the fit and confirm it’s the look that you want to express in the event. 

Be Comfortable

Whenever you choose your event outfit, make sure you are comfortable. Being comfortable will eventually make you look elegant. Incase you are not comfortable, talk to the designer when you go for the trial or, if you’re buying an outfit, make sure you feel the comfort before paying for the same.

Check Your Budget

Lastly, when planning the dress code for an event, look closely into your budget. If it’s a one-off event or one which you don’t necessarily care for, it’s salient to save your money. Never go into debt to purchase a bunch of new clothes that will not serve you. In events that you need to show up and show out, feel free to patronize reputable stores and invest in a versatile piece that you can still wear after the event. Thrift shops that stock on quality pre-loved items can be a great resource center to acquire classic wear that will wow everyone at the event. If you can plan ahead of an event, buying clothes around sales and discounts can also be a viable option.