GSD or German Shepherds first came to be known in Germany. Originally, this breed had long hair. The short-haired breed was transported to America in the early 1900s. 

GSDs were bred to be obedient and loyal dogs. Originally, they served as herding dogs. They stand tall at around 24-inches and weigh about 85 pounds. 

They are famous for their tall, pointed ears. Although they have myriad color varieties; the most popular color combination is a mix of black and brown.

GSDs Personality and Temperament

The best adjectives to describe a GSD would be – smart, steady, self-assured, confident, loyal, courageous, and noble. All of these traits are great for someone who wants a dog for their family.

With that said, GSDs were not originally bred to be family dogs. That’s why before you adopt a German Shepherd, be sure to look into their temperament and personality. It is also important to think about their needs to welcome them into your family.

One thing you need to remember is – a typical German Shephard will carry a strong guarding instinct.

German Shepherd Training/Socialization Needs

If you want to form a long-lasting relationship with a German Shepherd is to properly socialize and train them. Two of the biggest driving factors for shepherds are – affection and food.

You can easily train them with a pat on the back, clickers, treats, and positive reinforcements. Anything that signifies a job well done.

German Shepherds are quick-witted. You can train them to perfect almost all kinds of tasks. But, if they find themselves unoccupied for a long time, they may start exhibiting mischievous behavior. This can mean tearing things down around the house or showing aggression.

The time you spend training your dog will be quality time which is sure to bring you two closer. You should also take care of their socialization needs so they don’t treat other dogs and strangers as threats all the time.

Below are a few ways to go about socialization –

  • Go for walks around the block
  • Visit dog parks
  • Visit a vet even when there’s no appointment
  • Visit a pet store that allows pets

Are German Shepherds Good With Kids?

If the socialization is right, German Shepherds can prove to be among the finest family pets ever. They love to be around kids and young children. That’s because dogs love to be busy and young children give them plenty of tasks to remain busy and occupied.

German Shepherds are excellent for kids as they provide them with plenty of playtime and training. 

The only problem is that most German Shepherds don’t realize how bulky they are. That’s why their propensity to pounce affectionately on children can be a problem. So, be careful about that.

Is a German Shepherd Right for Your Family?

In one word – yes! German Shepherds are one of the greatest family dogs. However, you need to ensure proper socialization; especially when you have toddlers in your house. A poorly socialized dog could harm a toddler. 

They are, however, good around young adults. GSDs are often clumsy and high energy which is why you should avoid pairing them with toddlers.

German Shepherds happen to be among the top 3 dog breeds known for their discipline, loyalty, and intelligence.

Male vs. Female – Which One Should I Choose?

Male GSDs

An adult, fully-grown male German Shepherd typically weighs about 65-90 pounds. In terms of height, they can be between 24-26 inches.

Compared to female counterparts, male German Shepherds look a lot more masculine. They also have more pronounced, defined, and sharp features as well as a sturdy build.

The male dog will extend his territory including the entire house and his loved one. Most breeders describe German Shepherds as self-sufficient and independent. They have a deeper inclination towards patrolling and safeguarding their territory.

Female GSDs

An adult female German Shepherd that is fully grown typically weighs between 50-70 pounds. They can be as tall as 24 inches from paws to shoulders.

Females tend to look softer and much more feminine compared to their male counterparts. They have, overall, a lighter build and more delicate features.

The protective instincts of a female GSD extend well onto the family members and individuals that she regards as her own. That’s why female German Shepherds tend to be more cuddly and clingy.

Because of the deep bond they share with family members, female GSDs can often become jealous of other pets; particularly other dogs.

It is a common belief that female dogs are much easier to train because they love human companionship more and also love to be on guard more.

How To Pick the Right German Shepherd Puppy

Often a lot of people wonder whether or not German Shepherds should be brought into a home. The answer to that question often boils down to the parent dogs. You need to evaluate their temperament and health first.

After meeting with the parents, you should then look at the puppy. While choosing your dog, be sure to see if the puppies are interactive, playful, and wish to be held. he/she should be outgoing and friendly. Try to avoid picking a shy GSD puppy.

Make sure to go for a healthy, bright-eyed puppy. he/she should exhibit a curious and confident disposition. Go with your gut. Usually, it tells which puppy is seeking love and affection.

Bottom Line

German Shepherds are without a doubt, one of the most popular choices when it comes to family dogs. However, things are not always as straightforward when it comes to selecting one. 

Hopefully, this guide sheds some light on how to pick the right GSD for your family.