Fact or Fiction: Is It Truly Easier to Get Sober During Spring? Dhanashree Kankanwade March 20, 2024 Around Us 139 Addiction recovery of any sort should be addressed as soon as possible. However, a myth going around the healthcare industry is that certain times of the year, particularly spring, are better to start recovery. The myth goes on to say that in springtime, recovery is easier to achieve and maintain sobriety. Is there any truth to this notion? or is it just one more excuse to put getting drug and alcohol treatment? The Case for Spring Sobriety New Beginnings Because spring is often linked to the idea of renewal, growth, and new beginnings, some people associate getting help with an addition to springtime. They see their drug abuse as a dark wintertime in their lives and get help for the uncovering of a new self. The optimism that is associated with this train of thought can be beneficial for those seeking to turn the page on an unsavory time in their lives. Open the Doors and Go Outside Lots of sunshine and warmer temperatures provide an increased number of opportunities to get outside and enjoy sports and other activities as people increase their social interaction. This exercise, including biking, walking, hiking, or sports, helps reduce stress, improve one’s mood, and just overall, make you feel better. Don’t discount the distraction they provide from cravings for drugs or alcohol and the feeling of accomplishment at doing something so healthy. Symbolism Spring and nature provide us with visual proof that after a dormant period, beautiful blooms can emerge. This imagery can be powerful for individuals in recovery, acting as a reminder that anyone can change and experience a blooming of their life. This motivation provides a picture of hope for those looking to overcome an addiction. But On The Other Side…. While this all sounds well and good, there is another side to the spring for recovery myth. Spring Triggers True, spring is a beautiful time of year. And that’s just the reason raucous spring break occurs this time of year; barbecues are all the rage, and festivals for any occasion. With those events, alcohol, and drug use often follow, triggering the temptation no one seeking recovery needs. Attending these social gatherings and staying sober could be more challenging than fun, requiring a great deal of additional support to cope. Allergies With the warm temperatures and blooming trees come seasonal allergies. These headaches, fatigue, and irritability make it harder to cope as a newbie in recovery. Being aware of how it could impact you is important so as to develop and adapt strategies to manage this period of time. It Is A Myth After All There’s a reason it’s called a myth because, in truth, there is no “perfect” time to get sober other than right now. The journey through addiction recovery is a personal, hard-fought battle that requires an ongoing commitment, lots of effort, and support from family, friends, and healthcare staff, regardless of the time of year. Waiting for spring to come for you to take that leap is truly nothing more than procrastination. Don’t buy into it. Conclusion Spring sobriety is simply a notion, a mixed bag of benefits and challenges. Ultimately, the decision to sober up should be based on a person’s true desire to make a change right then and there, not the month on the calendar. SHARE THIS POST